The Healthy Way to Eat

We all have a vague comprehension as to what healthy eating entails
but for many, it may instantly sound like a diet of deprivation and
boredom. Not so. Healthy eating can still be exciting and tasty, it just
means that you reduce the amount of processed and junk food that you
might have previously consumed and choose those foods that actually
serve to fuel your body instead of laden it down with unnecessary fat
and poor nutritional content.

It probably won’t be a surprise to read that eating more fruit and
vegetables are vital if you wish to develop a dietary habit that promotes
a healthy existence. Fruits and vegetables all contain such a vast array
of vitamins and minerals but they also include vital quantities of
antioxidants too.



A healthy diet means eating a wide range of fruits and vegetables and
not simply sticking a token banana or apple in your lunch box each day.
It’s important to remember that the more variety you have, the greater
the range of nutrients. Color on your plate is important too, think of the
colors of bananas, pumpkin, broccoli and apples and if you are not
keen on the textures or flavors of these fruits or vegetables, you can
still use them in your food quite easily and actually find that you love the
textures and flavors. Use them in soups, smoothies, desserts, salads or
in a sauce.

Unfortunately, people often have an all or nothing frame of mind when it
comes to diet but if you want to re-evaluate the food that you eat, it’s
important that you don’t consider specific foods as being off-limit. The
human psyche is strange because the moment that you think of banning
something in your life, it seems to make you want it all the more.
For those people who try to lose weight, it’s important to not feel
deprived of any of those considered ‘bad foods’ instead, think in terms of

If you know that you are drawn to sweet or unhealthy
snacks serve up a smaller plate or eat them much less. Eventually you
will find that your cravings demise or that you will only indulge in them



Eating smaller portions makes sense. Think about the reduction of trans fats or saturated fats let alone calories that you will be reducing instantly.
If you find it hard to have a big plate with only a small portion of food,
then get a smaller plate and fill it up.

Eating healthily is about more than changing the actual food that you
have on your plate, it’s also about your perception of food. Unfortunately,
people in general learn very bad habits when they are young. Sweet
treats for good behavior and this endorses the expectation and need
for sweet treats throughout life and serves to make you feel deprived if
you can’t have the same luxuries on your healthy eating regime.
Healthy food should be celebrated and not rushed.

Learn healthier eating habits and listen to your body before snacking. Are you really
hungry and do you honestly need those crisps or are you just bored or
want to snack? Have a glass of water as you might just be thirsty instead
of hungry and save the food for when you might actually need food.
Healthy eating is not about becoming unrealistically thin, about
deprivation or about being strict and disciplined, rather it’s about being
relaxed, feeling good, having loads more energy and being ready to
bound into action at any point. Healthy eating is about learning some
basic nutritional points that will serve as a solid foundation for your new
eating practices. Most of all, it’s about adopting a fluid approach to life
and learning to work with your own body and feeling the best that you
can feel.

Your food is your fuel, it’s what gets you started in the mornings, it aids
concentration, it gets you from A to B, it helps you to have zest in your
life and the energy to cope with stresses, strains and boosts a healthy
immune system to combat the various bugs and virus’s that you
encounter en-route.


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Did you know that food can help to improve your memory and help to
stabilize and balance your mood? The food that you choose to eat can
help you to reduce the risk of succumbing to serious health conditions
such as cancer, diabetes and heart disease, so learning the essential
nutrients and foods to welcome and those to avoid, is a real investment
into your life.

Success on a Plate
Plan your new healthy regime but think of it as small steppingstones to
a healthier you rather than just as an end goal. Approach these changes
gradually, (Rome wasn’t built in a day after all) and think of learning and
trying out new healthier and fun diets each week so that you can
tantalize your taste buds.

Make it Simple
Don’t start measuring out portions or worry about calories, just reduce
the size of your portions and try to think of your meal in terms of fresh
food, variety and color.

Slow and Sure
Don’t go blazing into a new dietary regime, instead make the changes
slowly and surely and you will be more likely to start enjoying the
healthier effects. A benefit will be that you will start gradually noticing
extra salt and sugar in any processed foods that you do eat. Allow some
time at the weekend to experiment with new recipes but always keep a
thought as to the food types that you are incorporating into your diet.

Saturated Fats
In addition to increasing your fruits and vegetables, it’s vital that you
reduce the amount of saturated fat that you consume and this is
because saturated fats are implicated with the development of heart

These fats work to increase the levels of harmful cholesterol within your
body whilst reducing the cholesterol that is actually beneficial to you. If
you eat a lot of meat, make sure that you purchase lean cuts of meat
and get rid of any visible fat. You can also cut down on saturated fats by
reducing or eliminating high fat dairy products. Reducing the amount of
meat that you eat is better anyway and instead of relying on meat at
every meal, increase your consumption of pulses or try those vegetarian
dishes that are low in fat but packed full of nutrients.

The Dreaded Trans-Fats
Fast food companies use trans-fats in their fast foods and take-a-ways
and these fats are chemically altered and considered to be highly
harmful to your health. It’s important to realize that trans-fats don’t
actually, exist naturally so consider the risk by eating an abundance of
pre-packaged cakes or a regular supply of fast food.

Unsaturated Fats
Unsaturated fats are the good guys in the fat world and it’s wise to
increase your consumption of these. You can find unsaturated fats in
seeds, nuts, olive oil and avocados for example and these fats help to
reduce the levels of harmful cholesterol in your bloodstream.

Increase your Fluids
Increasing your fluids essentially means that you should drink more
water and doesn’t mean reaching for that extra bottle of beer-however
tempting. You should be aiming for about 8 glasses of water a day and
remember that about 60% of your body weight is attributed to water.
Dehydration will cause fatigue and reduce your concentration levels; it
can even affect your physical appearance. Water is good for your
metabolic reactions.

Not everyone feels like eating breakfast every day, but it really is one of
the most important meals of the day. There have been studies which
state that those who eat breakfast are often slimmer than those who
don’t so if you are looking to lose weight, you might want to indulge in
some fruit or porridge to start your day off. If these are unappealing, try
rice cakes, eggs, yogurts, herbal teas, pancakes, berries etc.

Wholegrain contain more nutrients than those refined grains due to the
fact that they have bran and germ and they also contain vitamin B,
vitamin E, phytonutrients and insoluble and soluble fiber. Wholegrain is
considered good for healthy hearts.

Reduce Salt
Too much salt can contribute to high blood pressure and this in turn can
lead to blood clots. Salt can be hidden in processed foods so cut down
on the number of ready meals that you have and don’t add salt to your

Fiber is renowned for helping to ease or prevent constipation, but it can
also help to protect against diverticulosis and bowel cancer. When
increasing your fiber levels, do make sure you also drink plenty of water.
So you can see from this list, it’s just a matter of considering what you
are going to eat and trying to reduce any formerly bad ingredients for
healthier options.

Most people eat poorly because they are in a rush, their lives are too manic to sustain a healthier lifestyle and yet actually, a healthier lifestyle once incorporated will help them to be able to sustain
this increase of pace and keep them healthy throughout. It just takes a
little forethought and planning and your body will thank you for it.

Green Foods and Fibrous Vegetables
Fibrous carbs are the healthiest addition to your plate if you are looking
for weight loss and yet still ensure that your food is packed full of
nutrients. They are low in calories and best of all; you cannot over-eat
these food types.

Add an abundant helping of the following to your plate:
 Spinach
 Brussel Sprouts
 Broccoli
 Asparagus
 Peppers (Green or Red)
 Zucchini
 Kale
 Cauliflower
 Green Beans
 Onions
 Kale
 Cabbage
 Tomatoes
 Meat

Many people feel that eating meat is unhealthy, but it is more about the
type of meat and also any chemicals that it may have been fed that can
cause any damage. It’s important to stay away completely from
processed meats – the fast-food option or those deli-type meats for

Choose the leanest options as this will help you to avoid unhealthy fats
and help you to keep the calories down.
 Chicken breast
 Turkey breast
 Salmon
 Shellfish/Seafood
 Eggs
 Fish (ensure that the fish you buy are not contaminated with
 Bison/Buffalo

Whole Grains and Non-Starchy Vegetables
Due to the widely acclaimed ‘low carb’ diet, many people are worried
about adding these food types to their diet but providing they are used
wisely, they are loaded with nutrients and fiber. Just be careful as they
have more calories.
 Brown Rice
 Potatoes
 Sweet Potatoes
 Black Eye Peas
 Lentils
 Chick Peas
 Peas
 Squash
 Beans
 Quinoa
 Wholegrain Bread
 Wholegrain Pasta

Healthy Fats
Some fats are healthy as we have already established and yet people do
tend to think that all fats are unhealthy but some especially the omega-3
fats which is found in oily fish, are among some of the healthiest foods
that you can get. Healthy fats are also found in nuts, dark leafy greens
and some healthy, but unprocessed oils.
 Salmon, Sardines, Trout, Mackerel
 Fish Oil Supplements
 Extra Virgin Oil
 Extra Virgin Coconut Oil
 Walnuts, Almonds etc
 Seeds
 Avocados
 Olives

The Fun Factor
It’s vital if you are planning to make substantial changes to your whole
eating regime that you make it as fun as possible. Don’t look on it as a
necessary evil but instead embrace the chance to do something that is
going to make you look and feel so much better. Make meal times a time
with family, a get-together where you can chat about the day, it’s much
more satisfying that eating alone and if you can eat more slowly and
masticate your food thoroughly, not only will your brain recognise the
signals that you are full-up, but your digestive processes will be much
more efficient as a result.

How many times have you finished your meal and then looked longingly
at a favourite dessert determining that you could easily make room for
it? Then once you have started eating, you find that you are no longer
really hungry and struggle to clear your plate.

This is because it takes about 20 minutes for your hypothalamus (a
section of your brain) to get the clear signal that you are full. You will
have probably experienced the bloating sensation which tells you that
you have eaten too much and possibly too fast. Slow down, chew your
food thoroughly and stay in the moment. Too often people rush their
food when it’s an important part of your day.

Additional Health Tips
New Flavors
Instead of thinking and feeling sad about all of the foods that you are
reducing, instead think of all of the new foods that you are welcoming
into your diet. Some of which will become firm favourites.
Night-time Snacks
It’s easy to take the mindless approach when sat in front of the TV and if
you feel like snacking, be choosy about the food that you nibble. You
can have a treat but make it a small one or snack on freshly prepared
carrot sticks or a fresh fruit salad.

Mini Meals
As soon as you think about food, it may well spark off the urge to eat so
if this sounds like you then reduce the size of your meals and instead eat
4 or 5 mini meals throughout the day. Remember it is all about working
to your own personal requirements.

Add a Little Spice
Don’t endure bland food instead, add a few spices and chilies (if you can
cope with them) and this will stimulate your taste buds, ensuring that you
feel more satisfied and eat less.

Seasonal Food
If you can, try to eat food that is in season. We all feel very spoiled being
able to eat the foods that we like pretty much all year round but,
sometimes out of season foods do not taste as good. If you can grow
your own, you will get used to the food that is available throughout the
months and can plan your dietary approach accordingly.

You may find that you turn to food for comfort the moment that
something goes wrong in your life or you are faced with a very stressful
situation but try to avoid doing this, as you will only find that you feel
guilty thereafter, and this will add to your stress levels. Instead find other
ways to cope with stress: relaxation techniques, meditation or a little

If these don’t appeal, write down your thoughts and feelings in a journal
or read a new novel that takes your mind off the here and now. Music
too can be a better salve than a bar of chocolate.

Get Physical
You don’t have to exercise as if you are planning for the Olympics,
instead start up some exercise that you enjoy. If you enjoy it, you are
going to do it more and will gain the benefits as a result. Walking,
swimming, cycling, yoga are all great starting points for a new healthier

10 Top Tips on Eating Healthily
1. Get rid of the accursed fizzy drinks. You know that they are bad for
you so drink water instead. It’s healthier and of course, much
cheaper because you can take it from the tap. You don’t need to
buy bottled water, it’s not necessarily cleaner than your tap water
nor does it taste better.
2. Ensure you have eggs in your diet. Eggs make a good solid
breakfast and eating breakfast helps your metabolism to get kickstarted too. Eggs are relatively low in price, are full of protein and
vitamins. Why not invest in a few chickens for your garden if you
have the space? This means that you could have your own homeproduced eggs fresh on the day they are laid.
3. Worried that you are not getting all of your vitamins and minerals?
It’s worth using a multivitamin to ensure your levels are topped up.
Sadly with the amount of pesticides used in fruit and vegetables,
there are two alternatives to multivitamins- grow your own fresh
fruit and vegetables or buy organic.
4. Find fresh fruit and vegetables expensive to buy? Get tired of
finding them rotting in your vegetable tray? Why not stock up your
freezer with frozen vegetables? They take less time to prepare,
always a good thing if your lifestyle is a little rushed and you don’t
need to worry about eating them within a certain time. Plus, bulk
up for discounted prices and store.
5. Are you spending time buying branded food? Forget it. Brands
cost you more money but you’re not really gaining out of it. Food
snobbery is pointless, it’s about eating healthily. Try out some
unbranded foods and learn to enjoy. Forget about labels.
6. Enjoy fish but find it is so expensive? Buy a few cans of tuna or
sardines and keep them in your stock cupboard. They contain lots
of protein and you can alternate your egg and tuna resources.
7. Consuming fish oil is important as it contains omega-3 which helps
to reduce body fat, ease any inflammation and also helps to lower
cholesterol levels too.
8. Plan your menus for a few days at a time. If you are buying fresh
food then buy enough for any chosen recipes and then buy more
when you need them. Eat before you go to the supermarket to get
your food because then you will only buy what is on your list and
not what you fancy because you are hungry.
9. Don’t’ waste money on buying prepared food for work, make up
your own. It may be time consuming but it will be healthier and will
save you money too. Wake up a little earlier and do your food
straight away and this will be one chore out of the way. Do a little
research and prepare tasty healthy options so that you look
forward to your lunch break.
10. Eat less. Everyone would like to lose a little weight and
eating less or eating less junk food will certainly help you to do just
that. Having the odd treat is perfectly acceptable but the emphasis
has to be on smaller but healthier options. Snack away on fruit and
veggies to your heart’s content. Why not get a little creative with
your diet and find new healthier ways to serve up old favorites?

This ‘Healthy Way of Eating’ report is a starting point to help you
understand the importance of the food types that you consume so that
you can make conscious changes to your dietary regime and improve
your overall health as a result.

Remember that learning about a healthier lifestyle takes time, and there
is no harm in starting slowly and incorporating additional healthy foods
into your life and becoming creative in the kitchen as a result.
There is nothing wrong in having a few treats in life but don’t let ‘bad’
food rule your life, or those indulgences be governed by any unstable
moods or be stress related.

Think moderation and just embrace the
healthy changes that will occur as a result, because you will feel more
positive, have greater energy and feel revitalized.